• Facial Terminals

uFace401/402 is the new Facial multi-biometric time & attendance and access control terminal that supports up to 1,200 face templates, 2,000 fingerprint templates and 10,000 cards (optional).

With ZKTeco latest hardware platfrom and algorithm, it offers brand new UI and user-friendly operation interface to provide smooth user experience.
With advanced face algorithm and multi-biometric verification technology, the terminal's security level of verification is significantly enhanced.

  •  1, 200 face and 2,000 fingerprint templates
  • Multi-language
  • High verifi cation speed
  • Advanced and user-friendly UI
  • Optional built-in battery backup, providing approximately 4 hours of continuous operation
  • New Framework fi rmware, easy to extend functions and customize client’s requirements
  • One face template is registered for one user only
  • Able to detect whether the face is an actual face or a photo, enhancing the security level of verification

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Facial Terminals

  • Fabricant : ZKTECO
  • Modèle : uFace 401/402 Face-RFID-FP
  • Disponibilité : Pré-commander
  • 648,00€

  • H.T : 540,00€